Oral histories help to preserve and interpret the memories of people involved in a community or an event. Goucher College Archives and Special Collections sponsors the creation of recorded histories of marginalized members of its community. These efforts have largely been led by students working through a class or a fellowship. Each oral history collection was curated by students who selected the topic and its participants, created the questions, conducted the interviews, and transcribed the words. The Celebrating Black Alumnae/i and their Stories and COVID at Goucher Collections were conducted by students in Dr Kami Fletcher’s HIS370 Word is Bond: Oral History as Preserving Culture & Community Fall 2024 class.

The oral histories presented in these collections were recorded by students using an audio recorder, a video recorder, or in print. Some were conducted in person, some over the phone, and others over zoom. All participants have given their permissions to be recorded and have it made available online. For any questions please contact the Archives and Special Collections at archives@goucher.edu.